Free Downloads, Shareware and Other Tools

From time to time we will add downloadable programs, as well as other tools, which may be of some interest or usefulness (time permitting).


Impairment rating software is no longer available.


Many businesses need to institute formal evaluation of ergonomically demanding jobs, including lifting jobs. The NIOSH Lifting Equation is a useful tool, but is complicated to use for multitask jobs. Our simple to use shareware program, HeavyLiftingII, will do the mathematical "heavy lifting" for you, resulting in quick and easy analysis of lifting jobs. Further details are available at HeavyLiftingII.

Relative values for job task ergonomics can also be estimated using a simple interactive web page based calculator (Internet Explorer only for the time being).

For more quantitative assessment of jobs which present a possible risk of distal upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders, see StrainAnalysis.


ICD9.xls - An Excel file (packed as a self-extracting zip file) containing all ICD9 diagnoses and codes.

Please contact us if you have ideas for other small programs that you would like to see here, that you think would be useful for occupational health professionals. Users of Palm or Pocket PC devices, we would like to hear from you.

**(Program is packaged as self extracting ZIP file. Click the link and then select "Run this program from current location." After downloading, click "Setup" and follow the directions to install the program.)

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