Quick Ergonomic Assessment*

This assessment system can be helpful in quickly evaluating and prioritizing jobs and job tasks for potential ergonomic remediation. First, select the overall characteristic of the task which may need attention: Repetitive Motion/Awkward Posture, or Lifting. Complete the appropriate table, and push the corresponding "calculate" button to generate the subtotal. Then, go to the final table and enter the figure for ergonomic complaints/injuries. The Total Risk Score can be used to rank the ergonomic risks of a number of job tasks.

I. Repetitive Motion / Awkward Posture Evaluation

Motion / Posture Frequency Force Score
Eye Strain
Trunk Twist/Bend
Neck/Shoulder Bend
Arm/Elbow Motion
Wrist Bend
Finger/Hand Motion
Push or Pull
Static Posture
Motion/Posture Subtotal

II. Lifting Evaluation

Lift Parameter Measurement Score
Weight of Load (Lb.)
Starting Load Position (Inches)
Starting Load height (Inches)
Lift / Lower Distance (Inches)
Frequency (Lifts / Minute)
Body Twisting Angle (Degrees)
Distance Carried (Feet)
Task Duration (Hours)
Lifting Evaluation Subtotal

Ergonomic Risks and Priorities Evaluation

Ergonomic Complaints/Injuries (Percent)
Repetitive Motion or Lifting Evaluation Subtotal
Total Risk Score

New Task

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*Based on a system developed by Larry Wylie, CIH, of Wyeth Ayerst Pharmaceuticals.