Download Page

Here's how it works: HeavyLiftingII and StrainAnalysis are offered as shareware. You can download and install them, and try them out. If they do not meet your needs, simply uninstall them (Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel). If you do find them helpful and decide to use them for real job analysis, then payment is appreciated (you're on the honor system).

To download software, click on the appropriate link below and select "Run this program from its current location" and follow the simple directions. They are self-installing programs.

Download HeavyLiftingII................Shareware price $50 per installation. (Approximately 4 MB file.)

Download HeavyLiftingII Instructions (a .pdf file, the Acrobat Reader is required). You should save or print this, as this file constitutes the instructions for use of HeavyLiftingII.

Download StrainAnalysis................Shareware price $100 per installation. (Approximately 3.6 MB file.) Instructions are included as "readme" files that will be installed with the software (in the folder C:\Program Files\StrainAnalysis; you can print it out), as well as "Help" files.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Program databases contain one or two sample jobs. Do not delete these until after you have successfully entered job data of your own, as empty database may be unstable.

Occupational Health Logic Home
PO Box 8551
Essex Junction, VT 05451